Sunday, 6 March 2016

Perry Miniatures Light Cavalry as Proxy Bretonnian Mounted Yeoman

Needed some practice trying some new techniques for painting horses so picked up a box of Perry Minis 1400-1500 light cavalry. Kit was awesome - 12 mounted warriors with horses and bases and a slew of weapons options. Easy to take off the sprue, not much clean-up and assembles well.

Was only really interested in the horses so the paint on the riders was just to fill them in. Had thought of using these as proxies for Bretonnian Mounted Yeoman, as a unit of these guys is the same price as a single GW blister. While they are 28mm they do not appear to be 'heroic' 28mm and thus the height and volume are appreciably different to their GW equivalents. Photographed next to an Elleryan reaver for a scale comparison (as it was the smallest GW cavalry model I had to hand...).

Please note the smaller (20mm) bases on the Perry minis, and note that these are much flatter than the elevated GW ones. I have built up the bases on the Perry Minis a little with greenstuff so this may help offset the height difference, but there is still a noticeable difference in volume between the two pieces. If I was starting a Brett army I'd be tempted to look at proxying the whole thing with Perry Minis, but that's just me. A couple of these guys out on your flanks certainly shouldn't detract from the sight of the massed ranks of shiny GW Grail Knights and Pegasus Riders :)

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